Full Name
Michelle Moyer
Job Title
Associate Professor & Viticulture Extension Specialist
Washington State University
Speaker Bio
Dr. Michelle Moyer is an Associate Professor and Extension Specialist for Viticulture in the Department of Horticulture at Washington State University, based at the Irrigated Agriculture Research and Extension Center in Prosser, WA. Her Extension responsibilities cover viticulture education across the state, and includes juice, processing, and wine grape production. Her research program focuses on integrated pest management, with an emphasis on the interface between plant physiology and pest management. She has active research and extension projects on fungicide resistance, nematode management, rootstock evaluations, trunk disease management, sprayer optimization and education, and powdery mildew management. She is currently the Project Director for a USDA-SCRI-CAP project titled “Fungicide Resistance Assessment, Mitigation, and Extension Network for Wine, Table and Raisin Grapes” (FRAME Network).
Michelle received her B.Sc. in Natural Sciences, double majoring in Genetics and Plant Pathology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She earned her PhD in Plant Pathology at Cornell University-New York State Agricultural Experiment Station where her studies focused on the epidemiology of grape powdery mildew.
Michelle Moyer