Full Name
Kate Payne Brown
Job Title
Stoller Family Estate
Speaker Bio
Raised in Salt Lake City, Utah, Kate came to Oregon for her undergraduate degree at the University of Oregon. She studied science and was intending to work in the Optometry field. However, shortly after graduation the allure of the wine industry changed the course of her career, and she moved to Australia to study at the University of Adelaide, where she completed her Master’s degree in Oenology. After a couple of years making Shiraz and Cabernet, she moved back to Oregon to work for Archery Summit, where she remained for over six years as the Assistant Winemaker. In 2014, she left to work for a French winemaking consultancy. In 2015, she was asked to join the team at Stoller Family Estate where she has continued to focus on crafting the Reserve, Legacy and Sparkling wines.
Kate Payne Brown